By Jessie Sage. Earlier this week, YouTuber Josh Pieters dropped a minute documentary that followed year-old OnlyFans star Lily Phillips as she planned for and completed her goal of having sex with men in 24 hours as a stunt for her OnlyFans page. While she is certainly not the first woman to clear these numbers in Lisa Sparks broke the world record by sleeping セックス ゆうちゅうぶ in one dayit is nevertheless a grueling feat that took months of planning and a team of assistants to accomplish. Any sex worker can tell you that simply getting men to upload their identification for screening is a job in itself. Since she announced the project earlier this fall, Phillips has received online harassment and blowback from both civilians and other OnlyFans performers alike, who have accused her of being everything from morally bankrupt to attention-seeking and unsafe. The program itself, which follows her journey from naive excitement about her fantasy project, to the tearful exhaustion at its completion, has sparked online discourse about the porn industry and its impact on the lives of young women. As a longtime sex worker in various sectors of the industry, I know from experience that we are inclined to hold our cards close to our chests, afraid that sharing anything about our work lives that is not uniformly positive will be used against us by those eager to see our industry abolished — a standard workers in other industries are not expected to meet. Her tears, in this regard, are political and controversial. But should they be? One of the strengths of the documentary is the attention Pieters gives to the work that goes on behind the scenes of any sexual transaction, and the respect shown to Phillips as a successful businesswoman. We are given a tour of her toy closet; we are told about her complex profit-loss spreadsheets; we follow her as she shops for the big セックス ゆうちゅうぶ noting that her lingerie purchases are tax deductible ; and we watch as her phone displays an overwhelming number of notifications from men applying to be part of the experience. While she self-deprecatingly calls herself a slut throughout the documentary, she also makes it clear that what she is doing is work. Despite this, Phillips still goes into the experience bright-eyed. It seems plausible that it could be any or all of these things, or something else entirely. This is, after all, a stunt that falls into a broader context of both the history of pornography and the culture of online content creation. Pulling off a stunt of this magnitude and bringing an audience along for the ride is certainly one way of standing above the competition on OnlyFans. Fans of 'Parkour Civilization' Sure Think So Thousands of Music Videos, Including Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit,' Removed From YouTube Amid Copyright Dispute. On Nov. The documentary wraps up with a post-coital interview of Phillips, a segment of the video that has gotten a ton of negative attention on social media. Or maybe we saw the true toll this career can have on a person. Whorephobia and sex-work stigma are so pervasive that it is easy to blame the sex industry for the possible harm that this stunt caused her, but she is an adult who works independently and can make decisions for herself about how she uses her own body, and assuming otherwise undermines her autonomy. OnlyFans models are independent creators who, for the most part, run their businesses according to their own dictates. This story made the news precisely because it is not industry standard — in particular, much has been made of the fact that she left STI tests up to the individuals she says in セックス ゆうちゅうぶ doc that she prioritized participants who provided medical documentation セックス ゆうちゅうぶ that she seemed surprised when Pieters told her that HIV could be transmitted via ejaculate in the mouth. If anything, this reveals her youth and inexperience, and what happens when content creators eschew the decades of trial and error that go into establishing standards for such heavily regulated industries. The entire ordeal was put together in a somewhat haphazard way that seemed consistent with her age and experience. Most of us working in the sex industry learn how to manage client expectations, our own emotions, logistics, and money by doing the job. But this is true of most jobs. Sex workers often talk about the fact that one of the hardest things about the job is that we have to constantly perform happiness and fulfillment, lest we be judged harshly for our choices. When anti-porn feminists and conservative Christians are both chomping at the bit to shut our industry down, we are loathe to be honest when we have a bad day on the job, fearing that this information will be used as ammunition. Perhaps the remarkable thing that Phillips did in this film was not having sex with men, but rather breaking the fourth wall, allowing people outside the industry to see her vulnerability and her complex feelings about her labor. She allowed us to see her learn on the job, and work through her feelings about it, while still asking folks to recognize her セックス ゆうちゅうぶ and agency simultaneously. Maybe by going to the extremes, she showed the world just how difficult and nuanced this line of work really is. Perhaps more セックス ゆうちゅうぶ us should be this brutally honest about the complexities of our jobs. Rolling Stone is a part of Penske Media Corporation. All rights reserved. By Jessie Sage Jessie Sage Contact Jessie Sage on X. December 14, The Best TV Episodes of All Time. セックス ゆうちゅうぶ Greatest Guitarists of All Time.
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